Green Shop

About This Project

Green Shop is a online shop which started their bussiness in one of Indonesia biggest market place. They sell many organic skin care. Unfortunately, in this day they have stoped their bussiness. So, this is the website we provide to them as their request for their official before they closed. Maybe you will say, “There seems to be something wrong with this ecommerce website’s feel.” And yeah, I admit it because this is one of my experiment. The mainstream ecommerce website put forward of their promo and products in their home page. But why I didn’t make it? In this project, I think the mainstream ecommerce website is like “you spread your things so that make the visitors dizzy.” But now I know the reason of that because that is the goal and to make the visitors buy the things more and more even they’re not need it. So, for this project, I’m not say this is the failure, but you just can use this concept for segmented market and user.

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